rajar [vi] and more usually rajarse [ps-ref] to leave, esp. hastily; to flee, to escape esp. when a complicated problem is approaching; [derog] to leave abandoning someone, to escape like a rat.

rata [f] lit. 'rat'. Same meaning as chupina [becoming rare], skipping school.


raspando [adv] lit. scratching (a surface); barely, by one hair's breadth, just enough.

扩充阅读:rasparse prnl. 走了,离开

rebotar [v] lit. to bounce, to bounce off; 1 [t] to reject, to return, to give back for review (for example, Me rebotaron el pedido de crédito 'They rejected my credit application'); [i] to bounce, to be rejected, to be returned (El cheque rebotó 'The check was bounced'); 2 [i] to be rejected by somebody one has sexually advanced on.

reverendo [adj] used as an emphatic mark esp. in insults, as in reverendo hijo de..., more or less 'you big fat son of a...'. Probably because it sounds like a title, it lends importance to the rest of the phrase.

romper [vi] lit. 'to break' (which is supposed to be transitive); used as intransitive, it means 'to annoy, to bother', as an euphemism to the complete expressions romper las pelotas or romper las bolas 'to break (someone's) balls' (= testicles). Used by women, too!

romper algo

ruso/a [m, f, adj] Jewish; a Jew; someone with a common Jewish surname or presumed Jewish descent; lit. Russian (most Jewish immigrants came from Russia?)

sanata [f] long speech, long text, boring lecture about things that are made to look important and deserving a lot of words. Similar to bolazo. Used by students about dense texts they have to read, and the things they write in exams when they don't know what to write but need to fill some space. Derivatives: sanatear [vi], sanatero/a [m, f] performer of sanata. Cf guitarrear.

sarparse [ps-ref vi] probably syllable inversion of pasarse; (an action) to go beyond the limits, go too far, say or do improper or too much things for the occasion. For example ¿Sabés que tu hermana está re-buena? -- ¡No te sarpés! 'Your sister's really hot, you know! -- Don't go too far!'.

sobrar [vt] in standard usage, intransitive, 'to be left over, to be more than enough, to be innecesary'; in slang, used with a personal direct object: to make fun of someone while pointing out the superiority of the speaker in some matter; to speak contemptuously or mockingly to someone as if they were of lesser value. One who does this is a sobrador.


sota [f] the ten card in a Spanish deck; used figuratively in the phrase caérsele una sota (a uno) 'to drop a ten-spot', meaning 'to lie grossly about one's age'.