fuerte [adj] lit. 'strong'; (of a person) in good shape, with a nice attractive body, physically well-formed (not necessarily 'muscular').

Used with estar, not ser. Example: ¡Qué fuerte que está tu prima! 'Your cousin's so hot!'.

fulero/a [adj] [from English 'foul', pronounced 'full'?] of bad or substandard quality; looking as if tampered with; (sometimes applied to people) ugly; suspiciously looking.

gallego/a [m, f, adj] Spanish (thing, person; sometimes also the European (Castilian) variety of the Spanish language); a Spaniard. Lit. from Galicia (region of Spain). Not especially appreciated by non-Galician Spaniards.


gamba [f] 1 [Italian] a leg (usually a human leg); 2 an amount of one hundred items (esp. one hundred pesos, or whatever currency unit is in use) -- see also luca, palo; 3 [uncountable] an act of supporting someone (hacer la gamba, synonym hacer el aguante), esp. when a friend is in trouble, or needs a companion (e. g. to go and talk to a couple of girls, even if only one of them is interesting for the accompanied person); 4 [adj] supportive, helpful; said of a person who acts as in meaning 3.

garrón [m] 1 [becoming rare in this sense] an unwelcome or untimely request; the act of asking for a favour, including lending money; 2 (related to the first meaning) a bother, a burden, a problem imposed on one that one must solve; an inescapable obligation that appears in the worst moment (such as a client that arrives at the shop you work at when you're about to close and go home).

tener ~es 不易受骗

garronear [v] (related to garrón, meaning 1) to ask for something, esp. insistently; to ask for money (used mostly of people who do this all the time: garroneros).


gauchada [f] a favour, a small errand taken charge of by a supporting person. Etymologically it means 'something that a gaucho does'; we can guess that gauchos were typically considered attentive and helpful.

gil/a [m, f] stupid person, fool; innocent, naive. (Same meaning as gilipollas in Spain.) Derivatives: augmentative gilún/giluna [m, f]; gilada [f] a foolish action, a stupid thing, a silly mistake; a ridiculous thing to say, a comment made out of stupidity.

gozar [vt] lit. 'to enjoy', in this sense with an inanimate object; with a personal direct object it means to make fun of and gloat on someone else's minor misfortune (esp. results of sports matches, contests, card games, etc.) by pointing it out to the affected person. For example: Le gané a mi hermano al truco y lo estuve gozando toda la tarde 'I beat my brother at truco and made fun of him all afternoon'.

~la 1.过得愉快 2.幸灾乐祸

grasa [adj, gender invariable] (lit. 'grease'): kitsch, ridiculous, tasteless (a person, esp. in the lower classes); rude, uneducated. Also an older word, groncho/a.

guacho/a [m, f, adj] lit. a small animal left without parents (only used in the countryside in this sense); a bad (but not evil) person, a son of a bitch (can be used as a friendly insult); any person one shows some attitude (good or bad) towards.

guita [f] money.

guitarrear [vi] lit. 'play around on the guitar', fig. used as 'to say lots of things just to do something', stringing pretty meaningless sentences one after another. See sanata. Derivatives: guitarreada [f] an instance of such behaviour.